I concur with Candy Ma whole heartedly when she tweeted in weibo - "So little time to prepare, yet they gave such a solid performance." With the exception of Fala, the rest of the gang need little effort to charm the audience. A definite highlight was the terrifically choreographed dance moves between bootylicious Kate and Laughing that were impressive from start to finish! Kate trounced Fala as far as live shows go, from costumes, stage presence, choreography to vocal ability. Out of the five, Kate shows good emcee potential, with her natural ability to command attention and engaging the crowd with witty banters. All would have been perfect if Kate hadn't made the grave mistake of inviting a lecherous "uncle" up the stage to perform "little dimples" (小酒窝). I already felt uneasy and smelt something fishy when Paul(yup, that's the horny dude's name)-the-octopus stepped on the stage. True enough, before even the music played, he deliberately felt Kate's back..all the way down! Kate was obviously taken aback and quickly jumped aside. As expected, he didnt' know this song at all !! The whole auditorium was echoing with jeers !! I think half the crowd (including yours truly) had the urge of landing a flying kick in his groin. He is giving Malaysians a bad reputation. What an asshole ! See, even now, I get all worked up with the mention of this low-life scum. Luckily, a fan-club member from Guangzhou saved the day by performing the duet with Kate again.
When I heard the first few bars of "I will always love you", I thought Myolie must be out of her freaking mind to attempt the Whitney Houston classic. I was so dead wrong !!! Myolie intrigued the audience with her AWESOME rendition of "The Bodyguard" theme song. The whole arena of star erupted with thunderous applause ! I salute Myolie for her hard work. This lady must have put-in a whole lot of effort to improve her vocal skills. And yeah, "obligatory" shouts of "Bosco !" was heard throughout the nite, too.
Not trying to sound harsh here but having a boyfriend (or perhaps hubby) who owns Neway (including the recording outfit) ain't gonna do her much good unless she shows the same level or even more dedication and hard work than label mate, Myolie. Fala sang out of tune a couple of times, especially during the duet with Michael Tse. She sounded really awkward when addressing the crowd (need to work on the live interaction bit). It probably has to do with yacking in Canto than in her mother-tongue, Mandarin. Fala is definitely more at ease belting out Mandarin numbers.
With all the hype surrounding "Lives of Ommission" (潛行狙擊), naturally the spotlights falls on Michael Tse-aka-Laughing Gor. His past experience in boy-band 風火海(Wind Fire Sea) and his stint in TVB's dance training class put him in good stead when it comes to live shows. As expected, the audience had major palpitations when Laughing gives us the smoldering and "chok" gaze before bringing the house down with his hot and cool dance routine. Michael was aptly supported by cream-of-the-crop dancers (from renowned Sunny Chan dance academy in HK). Not forgetting his "古惑仔" roots, Michael performed "友情岁月" with Ron. Michael is such a doll! He insisted that he wants to take a picture with me even when the security personnel tried to prevent me from doing so at the hotel lobby. Thanks, 大佬!
Ron is a veteran when it comes to performing at Arena of Stars, having been to Genting for various functions in the past. The problem with Ron is his voice is good but he lacks the techniques to bring his singing career to a higher level. Although he still gets to perform theme songs to his TVB series, there is no sign of new albums for years. I'm sure his contract with BMA must have wrapped-up ages ago. Ms. Lok ain't putting much resources to jump-start Ron's singing career either. Oddly, this time, Ron left out signature song,"別怪她" from his repertoire and of course, "红蝴蝶" is in ! I'm not in a position to comment in terms of personality but Kate and Ron are the perfect match, appearance wise. I'll certainly be rooting for this lethal couple team in "Forensic Hero 3". I hope Ron dumps the silicone mainland bimbo for real and hook-up with Kate. Ron, show us you can do better than this !
Low point : It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the answer. Yes, it's none other than the supporting act - Reno. I tolerated her during Ray Lam's "Desire Tour" early this year. Little did I expect co-organizer, Jazzy Group, to pull the same stunt again. Her voice is not too bad but purlease, if she wants to break into the music scene, seriously, she needs a complete make-over.
Aside from some slight hiccups in the set, most left having a very good feeling.
To summarize, the concert was unbelievably perfect!
曲目:信者得爱(徐子珊、胡杏儿、陈法拉)/ 改变自己(谢天华、吴卓羲)/ 爱火花(合唱)/ 谢天华Solo: 独行/ Deadline/ 零时起哄/ 相思风雨中(陈法拉合唱)/ 陈法拉Solo: 人间/ 心花怒放/ 后来/ 女生大合唱:痛爱、遇见、小酒窝(徐子珊和观众)/ 马来西亚特别嘉宾:雷诺- 我是一只小小鸟+那次以后/ 徐子珊Solo: 爱如潮水/ 读心术/ Hit Me/ 胡杏儿Solo: 忘掉自己/ 寻爱/ 新不了情/ I Will Always Love You/ 吴卓羲Solo: 别人问起/ 金刚/ 红蝴蝶/ Yeah + Like I Love You+ Toxic (谢天华+ 徐子珊)/ 友情岁月(谢天华+ 吴卓羲)/ 大合唱:大日子/ 煞科/ 大热