Moses Chan and Myolie Wu were crowned Favourite Leading Actor and Actress respectively at the Astro Wah Lai Toi Drama Awards 2006. Not at all suprising to me coz Astro's Wah Lai Toi is fast turning into "consolation" awards for TVB top tier stars who somehow failed to grab the awards during TVB's own award presentation. Anyway, no complains as long as I get to feast my eyes on TVB's "dong hung fa-dan and siu-sang."
Moses, also walked away with the Favourite Couple award with Bernice Liu. Poor Moses and Bernice ! With laser- mouth Nat acting as the compere this year, they were teased endlessly ! It was a refreshing
change to have Nat as the emcee, taking over from Anderson Junior. Nat really cracked-up the audience with his witty banters. Myolie was all emotional during her acceptance speech. I had expected her to win since "War of In Laws" was such a hot favourite. Ron and Ray re-enacted the Anita Mui dance medley which they performed during TVB's last anniversary celebration.