Sunday, October 26, 2008

Raymond Lam's (林峰) "Your Love" Promo Tour Autocity 26 Oct 2008

I didn't expect such a huge turnout for Raymond's promo tour stop at Autocity, Penang. Penangites are known to be more prone to Taiwanese artistes but Raymond has proven to be an exception. Thanks to TVB releasing Raymond's series,back-to-back...from the massively popular "Moonlight Resonance" to "The Four", which has coincidently ended its run a day earlier (on Friday). His "Goon Ga Jai" character has gone down well with the audience. His second cd (released under EEG label), "Your Love", was selling like hot cakes at the makeshift stall set-up by the organizer.

However, it was a very, very long wait indeed. No thanks to the infamous traffic jam at the Penang bridge. This time around, even Raymond wasn't spared either. When he finally arrived at the venue, we were further disappointed when the emcee announced that Raymond has a severe throat infection and hence, unable to sing at all. Prior to coming to Penang, he had spent more than an hour at the local hospital. I know Raymond is not to be blamed but the audience can't help feeling dejected over this unforeseen turn of event.

To make it up to the audience, Raymond has decided to turn this into autograph-cum-handshake session. I guess that wasn't enough to pacify the fans coz many left when the autograph session was in progress. I guess everyone was extremely tired by then, having stood there (including me) for close to 3 hours. Not to mention, the traffic at Autocity was just terrible that day !

Both Raymond and the emcee,Simon, from 988 radio station made an blunder that night. It wasn't Raymond's first trip to Penang. Raymond has been to Penang before with Ron, Myolie and Sonija just a few years back.

As for me,if I can avoid it,I don't think I would want to stalk any celebrities at Autocity unless it involves my fave stars. The venue sucks. I would rather do it at Genting or KL.