The long wait is finally over ! Pinch yourself ! It's for real ! Jan Lamb is right here in Malaysia for his first ever public appearance, to promote his much anticipated talk show in Genting, Malaysia. Before LMF, FAMA, MC Jin and 24 Herbs came into the rap scene,Softhard (軟硬天師)was and still is, the godfather of rap in Hong Kong. Still recall the rap anthem "廣播道 Fans殺人事件" ? It's a classic ! I've admired the Softhard duo for their witty lyrics and I was so hoping for some sensible local concert organizers to bring them to our shores for the "Long Time No See" reunion concert. Well, that wish never did come true.
As we all know, the multi-talented Jan has ventured into talk show, with record-breaking success. '林海峰是但噏我願意" would be his 3rd talk show. I've watched all 3 and enjoyed them tremendously. It's not just the amusing stories or gag, even the songs segment (where he changed the lyrics of popular songs) are so darn hilarous ! Think "Facebook" song. Most Chinese FB users would have heard or seen the MTV by now.
I was kinda worried when I saw only a small number of people at the venue...half an hour to 8 pm. Luckily, the crowd started to trickle-in and a super supporters even wore Jan's tee shirt to the event. A few members of Manhand (the local rap band) turned-up for the promo, too. My friend was getting restless coz the organizer, Jazzy Group, screwed-up big time as the PIC has totally forgotten to bring the tickets we ordered (despite being given reminders)to the function. Other than tickets and posters, CDs/DVDs and other stuff are strictly not allowed to be signed. Shame on Jazzy Group for the blunder ! How could they make such a blooper when my friend bought a considerably hefty (RM5700) amount of tickets ?!! Anyway, after many phone calls and anxious moments, Jazzy decided to print out the tickets instead of waiting for their co-worker to bring the tixs from their office in Shah Alam !
Even during this short session, Jan was never short of funny quips! At one point, the emcee, Gan Mei Yan, was caught off-guard by his sharp and spot-on remarks and was lost for words momentarily. Can you believe it ? The audience actually applauded ! So wicked but heck ! I lurv it ! The best part is Jan happily obliged when fans requested to take pix with him while signing autographs. Most of the time, he has this cheeky expression on his face when posing with fans. He takes good care of his fans,too. Two of them went to the airport to greet him. He remembered their names and specifically asked the emcee to pass the goodie bags to them (without having to participate in the games). Awww..don't you just love this awesome dude ? Jan noticed that some of the fans went up the stage a few times and he liken the situation to "sushi conveyor belt." Also, Jan would make a more convincing Botox spokesperson that Gillian Chung. He may be 43 this year but he could easily pass off as someone in his mid or late 20s !
I'm all set for the date with Eric and Jan in June. Looks like I may have to bring along some "poh chai" pills when I go for the show - too much wind in the tummy from laughing too hard !