Monday, September 12, 2016

Kelly Chen "Let's Celebrate" World Tour 陳慧琳《Let’s Celebrate!》世界巡迴演唱會2016-大馬站- 10 Sept 2016

To mark her 20th anniversary in showbiz, Cantopop diva Kelly Chen held her “Let’s celebrate” concert in HK coliseum last Dec. Local fans finally got a taste of Kelly’s smashing showmanship during the Malaysia stop of “Let’s Celebrate” tour in Genting. It has been a long 11 years since Kelly last performed on our shores. My previous encounter with her was back in 2012, during the grand opening of Paradigm mall.

I have always had a soft spot for Kelly and her songs, ranging from mushy sentimental tracks to Mark Lui’s catchy techno compositions. Kelly looks so slender, captivating and barely aged a day !! Still such a ravishing beauty at 44 ! This concert is undoubtedly a memorable one, not only for her supporters but specifically, for Kelly as well. Coincidently, Kelly’s concert was just 2 days away from her birthday. A short video clip was aired, showing fans from around the world showering Kelly with birthday wishes. This was followed by a live mass birthday song sing-a-long. Kelly was clearly touched. Later, Kelly shared in her FB page, a photo of the famous durian cake made by renowned bakery, Moonlight.  The concert was not spared from the recent pokemon rage. A clip of Kelly evolving to “Kellymon” (Pokemon) flashed on the big screen and out of a blue, a fan suddenly threw a pokeball plushie at Kelly (who obviously caught it) ! That was really rib-tickling and innovative ! Kelly also expressed her delight in catching heaps of Pokemons in her hotel room.  Mark Lui was the musical director for this concert and his first time in Malaysia. Kelly also gave a beautiful and flawless rendition of “Rasa Sayang”, a Malay song.

Due to the HK concert stage structure, Kelly was not able to shake hands with members of the audience but got the opportunity to do so in Malaysia. Kelly displayed nifty foot work during the intro of her new song – “Let’s celebrate”. When Kelly performed the crowd favourite techno medley, enthusiastic fans were on their feet ! During the encore session, fans sang along with Kelly when she performed 誰願放手and ended the concert with a duet with Mark Lu 紀念日 (minus the just married Stephen Fung, of course). 

Concert Run down : -

隨身聽、唔關你事、最佳位置、最愛演唱會、薰衣草、風花雪、北極雪、記事本、有時寂寞、戀愛神經、Lets Celebrate!、Lovers Concerto+我會掛念你+我們都是這樣初戀的+別來無恙++她比我醜+一刀兩斷+都是你的錯+臨走前吻我+皮外傷+開始+我敢去愛+嫁妝+一生一愛情+Take My Hand、大日子、戀愛情色、花花宇宙、失憶周末;(安哥)一切很美 只因有你、誰願放手、有福氣、對你太在乎、紀念日